Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Using a process server can help win case

Using a process server will help complete the due process. Process server is licenses and bonded. They will not jeopedize their license for couple of dollar spend by their client. If you use the right process server it can save your case. Because the defendant have a right to know if he/she is being sued and can response within the require period. Process server is a third party and don't gain or loose anything in the case. They have a duty to make sure that other opponent get the legal paper wihin time and professional. Most process server are well trained and know what to do when it come to a tough decision on due process requirement. Process server they have experience on a daily basis on know how to perform their duty in a professional manner. They know the basic law of serving that can help you win the case. If you serve it wrong and did not meet the guideline then your case have a chance of being throwing away. Judge make the decision if the process server is doing their job. Many people might use the sheriff to serve the paper, but sheriff will not work as hard to get the job done right like a process server. Process server can serve the paper from sunrise to dawn. They can be waiting for the defendant to leave their home for work or wait for the defendant to come home late from work. Process server will do what he can to serve a personal paper directly to the defendant. 
As my experience process server can help save case. If the judge see that the process server is doing his job and the defendant or plantiff did not show up in court then most likely the case will be dismiss. Don't try to do it yourself or use friend and family to do the most important job. Because it can cost you more and hurt your case. You need a process server that are honest and willing to do the extra mile for you to get the paper serve professionally. Process server express is one of them that can get the job done right. Check them out at https://processserverexpress.net
